When to Stop the Splurging and Start the Saving

When I moved out, it was tough to find a balance between the thin line of spending and saving. Without my mom next to me telling me to stop buying so much Bath and Body Works, I tended to get a little carried away. So, hopefully by my mistakes and all the lost money, I can help you from making those mistakes.

For me, my biggest issue was spending money on eating out. When I finally sat down and did a budget sheet, the amount of money that went towards fast food and restaurants was mind blowing. So if I were you, I would sit down and make a meal plan for your whole week. Even if it’s just dinners you’re planning out. Then make a grocery list of only the groceries needed to make those meals. Not only will you be saving money from the random Taco Bell runs, but you’ll also be saving money at the grocery store if you make a set list.

My next concern was the impulse buying. For me, I did a lot of online shopping. I would see a cute outfit on someone and then start shopping on Forever 21. Or I would see that Bath and Body Works was having a sale on their candles (don’t ever buy their candles full priced by the way) and then I’d have 3 new candles arriving the following week. Stay away!! What started working for me is I would put everything I wanted into my cart and then close out of the site… I promise it works.

I spent so much money on movies when I first moved out. I would go see a movie even if it wasn’t a movie I had been excited to see. The experience of the movies is my favorite, but this could be any unnecessary, expensive hobby. It’s best to find a hobby that doesn’t cost you $20 a week. Save those experiences to at most once a month. Not only will it save you money, but it will make it even more exciting.